Monday, January 7, 2008

1. “Live, Love Laugh”
I guess you could make this into a guide for my life. I just feel that I should live everyday to the fullest...try my hardest and don’t complain. I think that I should love everyone, no matter what mistakes they made or what they have done to me. If you are a person who gossips, then people have the tendency to gossip about you...if you don’t then people usually don’t. I love to have fun...I learn from mistakes but I like to take risks. Life is way too short not to! I don’t want to look back on my life and say I wish I would’ve done this..or this. I just want to experience everything now!
2. The Virginia Tech shooting was something that grabbed my attention. I don’t usually watch the news but that really freaked me out. It just made me realize that ANYTHING can happen and anytime. It makes me want to be on good terms with everyone so you have no regrets when life takes a turn. Sometimes I get in REALLY stupid fights with my boyfriend and my sisters. I just think sometimes people need to take a step back and make sure that whatever it is... is worth fighting about. You could also look at it in the way that one person can make a huge difference in people’s lives...for the better or for worse.
3. I have a couple goals I want to accomplish in 2008. Since sports are going to be winding down in the spring and I’ve been active everyday of my life, I want to make sure I workout everyday and not become a couch potato. I will make some sort of routine...go to the club or just do some abs if I don’t have time. I also want to spend more time with my little sister and my parents. Since college will be starting in the fall I want to make sure I spend some time with them before I go because I know I will be on my own and it will be weird and

1 comment:

Tom's Blog said...

Good point about the VA Tech shooting Natalie. It feels like it was SO long ago, I almost forgot about it. That was a very scary time, especially as they continued to find all the warning signs that he was going to do something like that.

But I know exactly what you mean about the fighting. Sometimes I get in stupid fights like that and some time later (it depends on the fight I think) I can't even remember what it was about, and you feel really stupid. At least that's my experience with it.

Good Blog Natalie, you need more funny titles though.