Friday, January 18, 2008


1. I enjoyed writing a personal essay because it is something I actually experienced. I loved trying to incorporate my exact feelings when I heard about Paige’s accident. It’s hard to make it seem like it didn’t happen, because everything was so real. I feel like I came up with a lot more ideas when it came to writing a Personal Essay rather than Fiction. I haven’t had many life changing experiences so it was hard to come up with ideas. The only things I could really think of were Paige’s accident and my sisters car accident, which were eye-openers to me in a way. Overall I liked writing my personal essay and I wouldn’t mind writing another one sometime again.

2. Reading is important to a writer because it shows you all different types of stories and ways to write. Whenever I read something, it sparks ideas in my head. As a writer, you need to have experienced the techniques and ideas of other writers to make your own unique. As you read a piece of writing you can see what works and what doesn’t, what is appealing and what is not. When I read something, it either gets my attention right away or I’ll put it down. I think the first chapter or paragraph of a writing piece is the most important. By seeing what other writers do, it can help you succeed as a writer and gain the interest of your own reader.

3.What is your favorite piece that you've written? Talk about why it's your favorite piece.
I liked my poem about Montana. It reminded me of when I was young and I thought I gave a perfect picture on what I was like and how I loved nature as a youngen.

4. Which piece was the greatest challenge for you to write? Explain why.
The play. I have absolutely no experience and it was difficult to know what to even write it about.

What has been your favorite genre? Explain your thoughts.
Poems. I felt like a was very creative when I started writing them. At first I thought it was going to be impossible but then I loved writing them!

Is there a piece you wrote that, in reflection, you didn't care for? Explain.
No I think every one of my pieces are important.

What skill from Creative Writing do you think you will use in other forms of writing/outside of class. Tell why.
I’ve always loved to write but I’ve only written journals and essays. I loved writing poems and it was so fun to make them into something important to me. I think reading other people’s pieces has made me a stronger writer because now I know what makes a piece interesting.

Coke or Pepsi: Coke
Li'l Wayne or Little Debbie: Li'l Wayne
McDonald's or Arby's: McDonalds
Chiptole or Taco Bell: Chipotle
American Idol or MTV: American Idol
Buffalo Wings or Florida: BOTH
New York City or Los Angeles: Los Angeles
Name you like for your future daughter: Ava, Charley, Taylor
Name you like for your future son: Jackson, Tyler
What is or what will be the first country you see outside the continent of North America: Australia
Disney movie you would be most likely to watch on your 21st birthday: Finding Nemo
5. Can you figure out what Disney movie my blog title comes from? no idea.

Monday, January 7, 2008

1. “Live, Love Laugh”
I guess you could make this into a guide for my life. I just feel that I should live everyday to the fullest...try my hardest and don’t complain. I think that I should love everyone, no matter what mistakes they made or what they have done to me. If you are a person who gossips, then people have the tendency to gossip about you...if you don’t then people usually don’t. I love to have fun...I learn from mistakes but I like to take risks. Life is way too short not to! I don’t want to look back on my life and say I wish I would’ve done this..or this. I just want to experience everything now!
2. The Virginia Tech shooting was something that grabbed my attention. I don’t usually watch the news but that really freaked me out. It just made me realize that ANYTHING can happen and anytime. It makes me want to be on good terms with everyone so you have no regrets when life takes a turn. Sometimes I get in REALLY stupid fights with my boyfriend and my sisters. I just think sometimes people need to take a step back and make sure that whatever it is... is worth fighting about. You could also look at it in the way that one person can make a huge difference in people’s lives...for the better or for worse.
3. I have a couple goals I want to accomplish in 2008. Since sports are going to be winding down in the spring and I’ve been active everyday of my life, I want to make sure I workout everyday and not become a couch potato. I will make some sort of routine...go to the club or just do some abs if I don’t have time. I also want to spend more time with my little sister and my parents. Since college will be starting in the fall I want to make sure I spend some time with them before I go because I know I will be on my own and it will be weird and