Monday, December 3, 2007

1. In most peer groups, I think trust is a big issue. If you tell a secret to someone in your group of friends, it always seems to get out to everyone else. “You can’t tell anyone I said this but..” usually has a domino effect. Trust is also a big issue because it’s hard to gain it back once you’ve lost it. In my personal experiences, I have a really hard time trusting a person. I’ve been hurt and betrayed so many times that if someone says or does something it will always stick in the back of my mind.
2. The stats guy of our basketball team has the most dynamic personality. Every time someone says thank you to him, he responds “God Bless You”. He seems to be a very socially awkward person, but he actually can carry on an interesting conversation for a long time. When you first meet him, he seems to be a guy who would have a hard time fitting in with people. When you get to know him he has a way of connecting with each and every person. On top of this, he is a genius!
3. A song that has had a big impact on me is “Moving On” by Rascal Flatts. I listen to it when I feel like I need to just put things in the past. If something is bothering me or I have just gotten in a fight with someone, it reminds me to be the bigger person and figure everything out. It helps me realize I shouldn’t dwell on certain arguments but I just need to forgive and forget. I think life is way too short to hold grudges because you never know what could happen the next day.


Tom's Blog said...

Good point about the trust issue in peer groups. That is a problem with a bunch of people I know too. I don't have as big of an issue once people do something wrong, but I can definately see why someone would.

tcarr said...

That really is a good point about the personal trust. It is basically lost in Edina. I have had multiple betrayals and just don't tell anybody anything anymore. Truly sad.

ps rascall flatts kinda is the worst band in the world ;)

Mr. Miles said...

It's funny because I've noticed that too. People confide in the few people they trust, who then confide in the few people they trust, who then confide in the few people they trust, until everyone knows. I wrote that into my sitcom pilot because it's so true. I have learned who to tell things based upon the degree to which I don't want everyone to know. It gets more complicated when your friends get married. :)